

  1. The school is an academic community

    The motto of the school is "EXCELLENCE AND SERVICE". First and foremost the school is an academic community to impart wisdom. Wisdom is not bookish knowledge. It comprehends the total reality of life. The school is an acadmic community characterized by shared vision, shared responsibility, mutual love, understanding and respect for all human beings as children of God. Professional, personal and spiritual excellence of the Staff is the source of inspiration for the students to excel in acquiring real wisdom.

  2. The school community committed to integral growth of all students

    The school is providing opportunities to all the students to develop their imagination, creativity, aesthetic sense, communication skills and sporting spirit. Value education is given prime importance and it provides various steps in the process of value internalization.

  3. School helps the students to imbibe values for a just and human society

    The students are prepared to have a realistic knowledge of the changing human society, and are made capable to uphold the social values in making avail themselves of the opportunities for human development. Under certain conditions the students are given opportunities to be exposed to the pathetic conditions of the poor with a spirit of rendering service to them. The poor and the under privileged in the country are always the focus of all educational policies.

  4. St. Joseph’s School is a community loyal to its specific mission

    It should be well known to the Parents and the Staff of the school that it is run by Catholic Diocese of Bijnor and our education is based on the specific Christian vision of human and the human society. The basic principle is that God is our Father and we are His children. Hence we are brothers and sisters without any difference of caste, colour and religion. So we have to love each other and in loving each other we love God. With our "Pastoral Care" we help all the students to grow in religious faith and religious commitment. In all its policies the school collaborates with the direction given by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Bijnor, and the Education society of which St. Joseph’s School is a member school.

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