General Rules

General Rules

  1. Be polite and gentlemanly in and outside the school.

  2. Be honest and truthful in all matters.

  3. Accept cheerfully whatever responsibility is given, and face difficulties with courage and determination.

  4. Be courteous to the officials in the playground and take part in games with good sportsman-spirit.

  5. Greet your parents, teachers and elders whenever you meet them.

  6. Have proper care of hair at all times, avoide long nails, coloring nails and other modern fashion styles. Boys shall avoid long hair and no change in hair style.

  7. Respect your school property, as well as those that belong to others.

  8. Be punctual and regular in coming to school.

  9. Be bold to say 'No' when asked to do something that is basically wrong.

  10. Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person, are expected from every pupil. The students must strictly conform to the regulations laid down in this regard.

  11. The students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct not only in the school, but also outside. Any objectionable conduct outside the school makes them liable for disciplinary action, because such conduct would endanger the good name of the school.

  12. Gifts to the members of the staff, or other expressions in their honour, are not allowed, without the permission of the Principal.

  13. Students must speak English in the campus else a fine of Rs. 10/ will be charged.

  14. All students must possess a copy of the school handbook.

  15. Students must participate in the daily assembly

  16. The students are not allowed to visit the staff rooms without the permission of the teachers.

  17. Fines may be imposed by the Principal or the staff for irregularity, indiscipline, damage to the school property, improper uniform, etc.

  18. On National Days - Republic Day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti - every student must be present for the school activities. Absence on these days will be considered very grave and anti-nationalistic, and hence, appropriate action will be taken.

  19. Lost and found articles are to be deposited in the office.

  20. The Principal reserves the right to waive aside any of the rules contained in the hand book.

  21. The interpretations of any rule in the hand book rests solely and entirely with the Local Managing Body of this school. Their interpretations and decisions are final.

  22. Students are not excused from games and physical activities without a written note from a qualified doctor

  23. Any student asked to leave from the school on disciplinary grounds shall have the same mentioned in his/her Transfer Certificate.

  24. The School Gate will not be opened for any parent/ Guardian at any cost during recess.

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